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Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, from Musae Sioniae (1609) Michael Praetorius (1571-1621)
Pictures at an Exhibition Modest Mussorgsky (1839-1881) Transcribed by Jean Guillou (1930-2019)
1. The Gnome
2. The Old Castle
3. Tuileries—Children’s Quarrelling After the Play
4. Bydlo
5. Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks
6. Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle
7. The Market Place of Limoges (The Big News)
8. Catacombae (Sepulchrum romanum)
9. Cum mortuis in lingua mortua
10. The Hut of Hens’ Legs (Baba-Yaga)
11. The Great Gate of Kiev