Why Donate?

L’Organo is a Volunteer Group that operates under the supervision of the Office of Cultural Affairs of the City of Charleston. Its goal is to promote FREE Organ concerts during the Piccolo Spoleto Festival.

Your Donation helps keep these concerts FREE as we attract talented artists nationwide to showcase Charleston’s historic organs and Churches.

The Treasury Office of the City of Charleston administers ALL Donations and Disbursements by L’Organo.

Your financial support makes a huge difference. Consider making a Donation to support L’Organo’s annual Concert Series.

Sample void check design template with placeholder information, including payee "City of Charleston," a memo labeled "L'Organo," and fictitious bank details.


  1. Make Check Payable to the “City of Charleston

  2. Please specify ”L’Organo” in the Memo Block

  3. Mail Your Donation to:

    Office of Cultural Affairs

    75 Calhoun Street, Suite 3800

    Charleston, SC 29401

  4. If requested, a Charitable Donation Certificate will be mailed to you by the City of Charleston before the Tax Filing date.